About zuMedia

Where scientists, engineers, developers, and designers collaborate to invent and develop new products and technologies...


We are a pioneering company...

To get our time and attention the projects we take on must serve and service humanity in a most profound and needful way... Even if it's a "Fun" project...

Working across a wide spectrum of industries, we create breakthrough solutions that bring strong commercial value to the masses and the benefits of technology to all...

What We Do

zuMedia solves some of the toughest problems in technology, entertainment, cyberspace, space, aeronautics, and defense to meet the ever evolving needs of our customers worldwide... Our Global teams are Defining Possible every day using science, technology and engineering to create and deliver advanced systems, products and services to meet and exceed what's expected or even anticipated by humankind...

3D Content

Don't be a sheeple blindly following the herd.

A better brand of technology and infotainment has emerged...
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Vector Smart Object
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